
WorldCrafter is a platform to help writers with their writing projects. It allows you to create pages for your Characters, Settings, Locations, Events, and many other story elements. It also allows you to take notes on each item without cluttering up the page itself. It is a place to store all the information about your story world. Whether you choose to write your whole story here or not is up to you, it definitely can be a place for that, but it is also not intended to replace other writing tools.

We have also integrated AI image generation so that you can generate images of your story elements based on your down descriptions of them. This lets you visualize your story world and brings it to life.

How it started

As a writer and a software engineer, I feel uniquely privileged that I can design software to meet my own needs. That is how WorldCrafter started. I spent so much time on places like Wikipedia, and Wikia and Fandom, that I found myself thinking about my story elements as if I were writing wiki pages about them. I started looking into other wiki solutions but there was nothing that was specifically designed for writers.

I started writing a story bible for one of my writing projects. A massive sprawling fantasy epic. I had so many characters, locations, and events that I needed a way to keep track of them all. I started writing wiki-like pages for each of them.

Once I had all the elements in place, I started playing with generating images using AI. Since I had already written comprehensive descriptions of each thing, the AI could generate images that started to match what I was seeing in my head. It was a strange and amazing feeling to start to see my story world come to life.

Whilst this if a fully functional website, it is still very much a work in progress. I am constantly adding new features and improving the existing ones. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please get in touch. Below is my very rough roadmap of features I would like to implement or ideas I would like to explore.

Tim E



This platform is envisioned to be a tool to aid writers in their craft. There are many more features that are being planned. Here are a few of them:

Get in touch


© 2024 WorldCrafter

Blog posts

Introduction to worldbuilding: Crafting immersive fictional universes