Story Bible

What is a story bible?

Pages of a book

A story bible is a reference document used by writers of fiction, especially television series, to maintain consistency within the story and its characters. It features a series of documents that contain information about the characters, settings, and other elements of the story. The story bible is used to keep track of the details of the story and to ensure that the characters and settings remain consistent throughout the series. It can also be used to help writers develop new storylines and to keep track of the progress of the series.

How can I create a story bible?

WorldCrafter was originally designed as a story bible. As such, it is well designed for use as one. To get started, sign up for a free account, create a project, and start building! You can start with characters or places or events, and link them together to create a rich tapestry of your story world.

Any quetions?

If you have any questions about story bibles or WorldCrafter, feel free to contact us via our website, or X (Twitter). We're happy to help!

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Introduction to worldbuilding: Crafting immersive fictional universes